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The Saskatoon Chamber is excited to be partnering with the First Nations University of Canada (FNUniv) to help Saskatoon’s small and medium size businesses take advantage of the university’s “4 Seasons of Reconciliation” program.

The Chamber’s own “Reconciliation Roadmap for Small Business” focuses on TRC Call to Action #92 which calls on the business sector to commit to meaningful consultation, access to jobs, training and education opportunities to advance economic reconciliation.

The Chamber believes the key to reaching that goal are SMEs who are on the front lines of hiring and procurement. Small businesses make up nearly 95 percent of Saskatoon’s commercial sector and play an out-sized role in job creation, GDP growth and local procurement.

First Nations University of Canada’s 4 Seasons of Reconciliation is a comprehensive program that provides educational resources designed to help foster cross-cultural understanding, explore Indigenous history, and facilitate economic partnerships in an easy self-administered course that can be completed on any timeline.

Any Chamber member business or organization with 50 employees or less will be eligible to enrol their employees at no cost.

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